Responsible Innovation​​

Build sustainable innovation pathways


Nowadays, innovation for companies must be driven by environmental, economic, social and cultural sustainability and by the principles of responsibility to all stakeholders. To be able to take these aspects into account, companies must reflect on what, how and why they wish to innovate or make something new and identify the right strategy to do so sustainably.



What are the benefits of knowing how to build a sustainable and responsible innovation pathway?

Achieving your strategic objectives while optimizing not only your processes and organization but your solutions as well.

Developing an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable business model.

Making your organization more agile and more competitive by leveraging governance methods, roles and processes that create value.

Raising awareness throughout the company about the importance of adopting innovation and digital technologies as indispensable levers in the achievement of strategic objectives.


How do you enable sustainable innovation?

Digital innovation pathways that meet the principles of sustainability and responsibility are created through a series of services and methodologies that help convey and contextualize the complex dynamics of innovation and transfer its value to the various stakeholders.


We assess the market positioning and analyze the company’s risk level to determine the most effective sustainable innovation strategy.


We help companies identify the most promising courses of action and we co-design solutions, business models and roadmaps to transfer lasting value.


We support companies with a set of consolidated services to create sustainable innovation pathways and work alongside them in all organizational and technological areas.


a simple Accelerator
Not another
consulting Agency
We’re Cefriel

We are a Research, Innovation and Training center

that has supported domestic and global companies on their pathway to growth for over 30 years.

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