Cookie Policy

Technical cookies, in particular navigation or session cookies will be used by CEFRIEL to guarantee the normal navigation and use of the website.
With regard to the statistical services of site access, these are provided by third parties and are used to keep track of the behavior of the User: this data is treated anonymously and in aggregate form.

More information on the use of cookies by third parties (WordPress Stats and Google Analytics) can be viewed at and

The continuation of navigation through access to another area of the site or selection of an element (for example, an image or a link) determines the tacit consent to the use of cookies.

By closing the Site’s cookie banner and setting your cookie preferences using our tool and your browser configuration, you may accept or block our use of cookies or similar technologies. If you do not consent to our using cookies in that way, simply set your cookie preferences to reflect that. You may, at any time, revoke your consent and change your cookie preferences by clicking on the blue icon at the bottom right corner of each site page. If you disable our cookies, your navigation on the Site may be affected.

For any information or request you can write an email to