Let's have a conversation

The innovative survey experience

Collecting information from people can be complex, with the risk to gather incomplete and only partially trustworthy results if the user is not adequately involved and interested to cooperate.

Cefriel conceived and developed Coney, an innovative solution to run conversational surveys, by collecting information through an engaging and effective user experience.


Companies that require a new survey experience


Contact person

Irene Celino



Collect valid and high-quality information through a reliable quantitative survey method.

Improve user experience during survey compilation, by leveraging the familiarity and popularity of chat applications.

Foster curiosity and personal reflection through conversation and storytelling.

Increase the engagement rate of survey participants.

Provide a personalized experience that guides each user through the survey questions.


is a complete solution to design, administer, collect and analyze the results of “conversational surveys” that foster user engagement through an easy and enjoyable chat interface. By facilitating and improving interaction, Coney enables more spontaneous and more dependable answers.

Coney implements a “quantitative” method to collect data, offering all the major closed-answer question formats, but also exploits the storytelling, with the possibility to set language and tone, stimulates the user’s interest through an original and step-by-step interaction.



Over 80% of user preference

Coney’s “conversational” approach provides a clear improvement to user engagement, with a significant preference (81%) with respect to a traditional questionnaire, due to its higher enjoyability and intuitiveness, and with a more than double response rate with respect to traditional web surveys.

New survey experience

Coney’s effectiveness and novel features fit multiple scenarios: when an informal style or a specific language/tone are required, to solicit personal reflection, to administer short and dynamic surveys, to provide step-by-step fill-in guidance.

Multiple application domains

Coney enables multiple application domains: customer satisfaction about products, services and events; market research; learning/course assessment; awareness creation on a specific topic; fostering personal reflection on behaviours, up to the creation of user guides and tutorials.

Value-added instant messaging

Coney is administered to respondents through a chat interface, thus leveraging the popularity and familiarity users have with instant messaging applications. Moreover, in contrast to traditional chatbots that often fail to match user expectations, Coney provides an “immersive” and consistent experience (a “flow state”) and does not require a training process to function.

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