RSE: artificial intelligence for the clean energy

How to improve an advanced search within a wide documentary data asset thanks to Artificial Intelligence, too.

RSE - Ricerca Sistema Energetico carries out research into the field of electrical energy with special focus on national strategic projects. It was strongly committed to enhancing its new “SGIA - Smart Grids Innovation Accelerator” platform to enable a better information search on Smarts Grids and the energy sector.

Objective of the platform, which uses a search engine based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), is to share information in the sector, in line with the “Mission Innovation” global initiative aimed at accelerating global clean energy innovation. Cefriel has created the Platform’s navigation structure and user interface, through the design-thinking approach.


RSE - Ricerca Sistema Energetico


Contact person

Giuseppe Gramazio



Make immediately available, through categorization and excerpts, the most relevant topics in the platform documents.

Enable multilingual search, though keeping semantic and contextual consistency of the searched concepts.

Enable to browse documents in different formats (pdf and video).

Optimize the continuous learning of the AI engine to keep on enriching the platform’s documentary heritage.


Cefriel created the application front-end of “SGIA – Smart Grids Innovation Accelerator” (, the multilingual documents sharing platform, enriched by IBM Watson AI, which provides advanced search functionalities on a wide database of “key” documents about Smart Grids and the whole energy sector (strategies and energy scenarios, regulatory and financial aspects, case studies, technical data and information).

Through the design-thinking approach, Cefriel optimized the accessibility and usability of the platform, by simplifying the searching activity through natural language and visual browsing of documents both in the pdf and multimedia formats.



1.000 + shared documents

For the first time, the new platform has enabled the sharing of a database with thousands of “key” documents on national and multinational research projects, making it a shareable heritage to achieve international sustainability objectives. Over 1.000 the shared documents at the “go live”.

Quick and focused access to manifold information assets

Information structure and user interface, by using the AI, enable to access information in a both immediately and focused manner. Results are connected through table of contents, short excerpts (10-20 lines of over 200 pages) and entities that can be searched within the documents.

Innovative navigation approach

The innovative structure of the platform enables to search documents through a visual and semantic navigation based on contextual and domain requirements. The user interface ensures to access the semantic map of contents of the searched document, showing them as a “Knowledge Graph”.

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