
We help companies and public bodies share data flows and exchange digital assets through digital ecosystems


The increase of digital collaboration networks helps organizations not only get the chance to consolidate their own services, but also to explore new development opportunities in collateral market segments. Collaboration is now crucial for businesses, both in the context of value and supply chains and within the same industrial group or company. To build a collaborative environment, you need digital ecosystems in which you can create real B2B markets, and thus trade digital assets.


What are the benefits of trading digital assets?

Saving time and resources by encouraging the reuse of digital business assets (like datasets, software, or other) to improve the quality of applications for end users by reusing certified assets.

Unlocking new value by creating B2B digital asset markets, and thus enabling structured collaboration with multiple internal and external stakeholders.

Leveraging your digital assets to enable data valorization dynamics and idea co-generation through regulated sharing and while maintaining full data sovereignty.

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How do we create value through digital ecosystems?

Leveraging digital ecosystems, we help our clients both exchange data across different company departments or divisions within the same industrial group and enable innovative scenarios with external parties, who may be business partners or supply chain players.


We help companies share their digital assets, in a simple, fast, and regulated way.

Supply chains

We support the construction of collaboration chains with partners outside the company, enabled by the exchange of information and digital services.


We enhance corporate data and information systems as products, qualifying them as real corporate “property assets”.

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